Professionalism. Excellence. Timeliness.
We will always be the " locksmith near me " that is because we are scattered all around St Louis, always on the move, even if you are far from our map location we will most likely be close by. So if you locked keys in car or need a car locksmith for car key replacement or ignition jobs give us a call we are a 24 hour locksmith service!

Quick Keys Locksmith Service is committed to getting every job done right the first time, especially when it comes to Car Key Replacement or if you have locked keys in your car. You can count on us to be professional, timely, efficient and make sure you’re satisfied every step of the way.
locked keys in car
If you have locked keys in your car, we are committed to getting you back on the road as fast as possible with professional tools and techniques that will prevent any damage to your car.
Ignition Repair or Replacement
At Quick Keys locksmith, we provide you with the best solution for repairing or replacing the ignition of your vehicle, Including programming new remotes or keys, with locksmiths near you and 24 hour service.
Commercial Locksmith Services
Since its founding, Quick Keys Locksmith Service has quickly become one of the most trusted names in the city. With 24 hour locksmith service available. We specialize in the security needs of your business, providing you with comprehensive information and commercial door locks for any budget or security level.

We have all the experience and the skills that is necessary to tackle every single type of job that may come to our door. With Quick Keys Locksmith Service, clients know exactly what to expect and always come back for more - professionalism, efficiency and exceptional results. we build a relationship with our customers
Residential Lockouts and Lock changes
Feel safe knowing that Quick Keys Locksmith provides only the highest quality of services and locks for all your Residential needs, we carry locks from a range of security levels and will give you all the information you need to make the best selection, with 24 hour locksmith service available.